This report is organized by project sites (province, island, villages), reflecting how they evolved in the field on expedition, rather than by type of activity.
SHEFA Province
SANMA Province
Vanua-tai AGM, Luganville
MALAMPA Province
Melip, Dixon, Wiawi
Dravail, Sector 5
TORBA Province
Mosina, Sola, Vatop, Vatrata
PENAMA Province
Homo Bay:
Organic Gardening, with Marcel Tarib (7 min)
Organic Gardening in Vanuatu (18 min)
Worasiviu (a film about coastal erosion in Pele) (4 min)
Warning Warning Warning, A Climate Change Song, performed by
Bamboo Band, Pillar of Fire, Mota Lava (8 min)
Lessons from Community Adaptation in Vanuatu (20 min)
Cloud Watching (3 min)
Dravail Conservation Area (8 min)
Launching of Women's Vanua-tai Network (8 min)
Island Reach Mission Update 2016 (10 min)
Surfing for Coral (in production)
Over 80 flashdrives and dvds with videos distributed
Some Challenges
SHEFA Province
- Project Manager John Ronneth accepted to the Pacific Islands Community Co-Managers Course (PICCC) 2016. Training in Solomons during the months of March and October, field project June/July with IR.
- IR signs MOUs with Wan Smolbag & with Nguna-Pele Marine & Land Protected Area Network
- IR registers as a Charitable Association in Vanuatu with the Vanuatu Financial Services Commission, effective 8/17/2016
- IR establishes a permanent office in Unakap Village, Ngua Island
- Women's Vanua-tai Network chairperson, Salome Kalo, of Pele Island, collaborates with IR and establishes a bank account and application to WSB Community Fund. IR donates starter funds for a network phone and credit to begin a regular network inter-island communication schedule.
- IR's director Janis Steele and Project Coordinator John Ronneth attend CEPF granting working in August.
- Interviewed and filmed Marcel Tarib of Malaliu, Nguga on organic gardening methods. Video screened across Vanuatu at IR awarenesses.
- Unakap elder Kaleb Tony filmed speaking about traditional knowledge about weather.
- Interviewed and filmed Willie Kenneth on the subject of climate change and coastal erosion, Pele Island. Film screened across Vanuatu at IR awarenesses. Remake submitted in September to Film4Climate Global Video Contest.
- Attended SPC - RESCCUE workshop in Pele concerning community reef surveys. IR's Willie Kenneth receives training as Reef Module Champion. IR will assist with moving protocol to outer islands.
- Surfing for corals youth project launched on Pele & Nguna Islands in collaboration with the Vanuatu Surfing Association (VSA) and surfers from Pangi, Efate. Over 30 participants. Coral Mariculture in Worasiviu village integrated with new coral planting screens placed in Launamoa and Unakap villages led by Willie Kenneth and John Ronneth. Surf training and coaching program brought in to integrate youth and sport with marine conservation.
- 15 Aqualung USA wetsutits donated to the Surfing for Mariculture project, 20 youth snorkle kits donated to the NPMLPAN, 10 wetsuits and 20 youth snorkel kits donated to Vanua-tai coordinator Donald James for distribution.
- Marcel Tarip, Nguna DESA coordinator becomes IR Advisor for organic gardening and Salome Kalo, Vanua-tai Women's Network becomes IR Advisor.
- IR is a project partner with Nguna-Pele MLPAN on a GEF grant: Enabling Community Climate Change Adapation Through Networked Sustainable Tourism.
- IR was deeply saddened to learn of the untimely death of Emae Fenua-tai Environment Network chair, Joseph Abel, in March. Joseph was a friend and incredible conservaiton chamption. IR team met with Emae Vanua-tai Wilson and George Frank in Port Vila aboard RV Llyr and supplied them with two wetsuits donated by Aqualung USA. In Luganville, at AGM, IR screened a memorial video about Joseph, and gave a copy to Emae monitors to give to Joseph's family.
SANMA Province
Vanua-tai AGM, Luganville
- IR project coordinator John Ronneth led Management Plan Workshop & Training
- IR helped launch the Women's Vanua-tai Network and donated an initial communication budget. Short video produced interviewing women.
- Memorial video of Joseph Abel screened at AGM
- Planning Banks expedition with monitors.
- Developed plans to work in TAFEA province 2017
- Two visits (June/July) to Pastor Lulu and Sarete village, Pastor Lulu . Interview & filming with Fisheries, Northern Aquaculture Officer Glen Alo and transfer of tilapia fingerlings to Sarete village. Footage will be combined with interviews with Jimmy Willy (Torba Province) & Pastor Stuart (Ranputor).
- Video produced on food security in Vanuatu, including segment on Tilapia Farming.
- Pastor Lulu agrees to become an Island Reach Advisor.
MALAMPA Province
Melip, Dixon, Wiawi
- Chairman of Dravail (Lamap Sector 5) Conservation Commission, and Vanua-tai Monitor Joseph Soksok joins IR onboard RV Llyr for 1 week to observe and train during our engagements in West Malekula.
- Melip, Ridge to Reef Awareness with community. New monitor joins Women's network following screening of videos.
- Reef surveys of Dixon Reef inner bay & inside reef (COTs low, bleaching moderate)
- IR delivers signage to Dixon Reef and Letokas for WSB/Oxfam resilience project.
- IR's John Ronneth produces and delivers draft of Management Plan for Wiawi Conservation Area
- Petawai Bay, drone flyover of Tabu area and reef survey (observed sharks and large fish; bleaching moderate, CoTs low)
- IR led conference of regional chiefs and landowners from the six villages organized by Vanua-Tai Kali Jacobas with Ridge to Reef Awareness, tabu and conservation area design options and management plan development. Chiefs and landowners formed a new regional conservation committee of key stakeholders with strategic implementation and goals set.
- Lawa village & Vanua-tai chief Raubong supplied with awareness training materials on DVD & flashdrive and 12 snorkel kits for 3 primary schools. He will be SW Bay lead contact.
- Reef survey Lembenwen reef (COTs low however significant damage from earlier infestation, bleaching moderate)
- IR will continue to work closely with the communities of Southwest Bay to strengthen and expand conservation efforts in response to climate change impacts, and population and economic pressures.
Dravail, Sector 5
- Site of John Ronneth's PICC project on developing a conservation management plan. IR collaborated with Dravail Chiefs and Conservation Committee members, Chief Nasara Moris, Chief Nasara Roman, Chief Nasara Bruno, Chief Christiano, and elected chiefs; Teri, Patrick and Dominik. MPA committee member Juliano & George and Committee Chairman, Vanua-tai Joseph Soksok. Project included a 4 day workshop that established a new Ridge to Reef conservation area, the Nanamor Lehur Marine and Land Environment Protected Area that integrates the Dugong habitat and ecotours of Gaspard Bay, coral reef and channel, and bush conservation. Community reports that the conservation area will protect ecosystem habitats for Dugong coral reefs and fish populations, mangroves, Coconut and Mud Crabs, Flying Fox, Scrub Duck, and Nawimba. Mooring cement, chain & rope for marker moorings provided by IR. GPS boundaries and marine floaters set. Drone video of project.
- IR donated 4 wetsuits and 12 snorkle/fin kits from Aqualung USA to Dravail Conservation Commission.
- Three reef surveys conducted in Gaspard Bay.
- John Ronneth returns to Dravail in October with management plan to be finalized with community.
- Lamap, Sector 3: Ridge to Reef Awareness organized by Vanua-tai Anies Bareus and donation of 20 Snorkel/fin packs from Aqualung USA to Primary School (259 students)
- IR will continue to work closely with communities in the SE Malekula area to strengthen and expand conservation efforts in response to climate change impacts, and population and economic pressures.
TORBA Province
- Reception ceremony for IR organized by Vanua-tai Sophie Frank and Joe Woleg. Bamboo band Pillar of Fire performs Willie Kenneth's Warning, Warning, Warning climate change song with video produced. Next day Ridge to Reef training modules presented to Chiefs, Landowners, and Conservation Committees from Villages Nereniuman , Totolag, Avar, Ra Island, Tolvet, Valulua. Strategic management planning undertaken by chiefs and committees for an ambitious conservation plan spanning Mota Lava.
- Daniel Neneth, former Gaua Vanua-tai monitor and now Torba Provincial Agricultural Extension Officer, joins IR team to travel to Mota Lava aboard RV Llyr. Llyr also transports timber and construction materials for a demonstration nursery in Valulua village. Demonstration organic garden practical set up in Nereniuman village. Filmed for video.
- Jimmy Willy, Sola Fisheries Extension Officer, joins the IR team in Mota Lava and presents on fisheries regulations and Tilapia farms
- Vanua-tai Alfons Jerry, Lalnatat village accompanied the IR team to Mota Lava aboard RV Llyr to participate in actions. Alfonse becomes new regional coordinator for IR.
- Alfons and Joe Woleg were provided wetsuits, booties and gloves and the three primary schools will share 15 snorkel/fin packs and masks, all donated by Aqualung USA
Mosina, Sola, Vatop, Vatrata
- Alfonse Jerry travels around Vanua Lava with IR team.
- Ridge to Reef awareness with chiefs, landowners and conservation committees organized by Vanua-tai Father Keith. Following week, IR offered two practicals: 1) Daniel Neneth established a large organic demonstration garden with 30 participants (part of video development; 2) IR led a reef assessment focused on a] hard coral ecology and identification and b] fish behaviors and harvesting and c] conservation area design options. Swim through & coastal work with the new tabu area in Mosina.
- Reef survey of the new Mosina tabu area. (Coral health strong, fish depleted).
- Awareness presentation to Sola's Areb Junior/Secondary School with focus on Climate Change science and coral reef ecology and conservation harvesting. 150 students.
- Ricky Simeon Mol attended Mosina practicals and Areb school presentation for training and Alfons Jerry attended school presentation for training.
- Daniel Neneth joins the IR team as an In-Country Advisor with interest in working outside Torba province.
- Isabel Kennedy Wasaca Village (West side)joins Women's Vanua-Tai. Her husband Kennedy is an existing Vanua-Tai. She attended IR's trainings regarding coral ecology and reviewed materials onboard Llyr. (Isabel and husband have poor mobile access on shore and should be contacted by text first or through Father Keith)
- IR made two awarenesses, one to the primary school and the second to the community with chiefs and elders, with Vanua-tai Alphons Jerry participating. Vatop tribal Chief Nasaras control Reef Island alongside tribal chiefs in Ureparapa and Mota Lava. It was reported that an investor made a payment to purchase Reef Island to one man which erupted in a severe and ongoing land dispute.
- IR activity organized by Vanua-tai George Atkin ,IR made community presentation with large attendance, including Area Secretary, Chief Moffet Strong community interest in action for future.
- IR stopped overnight on west coast Gaua with plans to travel to Losolava. However, weather did not permit. In Sola, we met Ricky Simeon Mol who has 10 years experience with conservation and ecotourism in Gaua and now lives half-time in Sola with his wife who works with dept. of tourism. Ricky attended IR's Mosina practicals & Awareness at the Secondary school. Ricky would be a strong new Vanua-Tai, possibly along with brother in Gaua, Richie Simeon Mol
PENAMA Province
Homo Bay:
- Awareness with Chiefs and Conservation Committee members for Homo Bay held in Ranputor. They requested GPS mapping of Conservation Committees Homo Bay MPA boundaries for Dept. of Environment.
- Three awareness presented in villages Ranputor, Pangi and primary school.
- Discussions between Cons. Committee member Harry & Willie K about future Homo Bay mariculture project.
- Drone flyover of Homo Bay for Dept. of Environment.
- Three RMP surveys done on the Baumies in Homo Bay
- Interview Pastor Stuart for Tilapia video.
Organic Gardening, with Marcel Tarib (7 min)
Organic Gardening in Vanuatu (18 min)
Worasiviu (a film about coastal erosion in Pele) (4 min)
Warning Warning Warning, A Climate Change Song, performed by
Bamboo Band, Pillar of Fire, Mota Lava (8 min)
Lessons from Community Adaptation in Vanuatu (20 min)
Cloud Watching (3 min)
Dravail Conservation Area (8 min)
Launching of Women's Vanua-tai Network (8 min)
Island Reach Mission Update 2016 (10 min)
Surfing for Coral (in production)
Over 80 flashdrives and dvds with videos distributed
Some Challenges
- Growth of cash economies and markets pressure conservation actions and goals and can create new types of social tension both inside and outside custom structures.
- Climate change and conservation as science-based constructs can be challenging for people to grasp. It is important for IR to align with elders in communities who have historical and traditional ecological knowledge who can help explain to the community ecosystem baseline changes over time.
- Land disputes & custom conflicts can create risks for conservation actors & projects.
- Support of NiVanuatu IR team as they travel in-country and risk exposure to custom differences that may carry negative impacts.
- Weather and difficult anchorages can raise risks and limit access to communities and projects.